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Vice Presidents

xristina m



Ms. V

~Requirements For BecomingA Stilettos & Lace Club Vice President~

To become a Stilettos & Lace Club Vice President, you must be an active player of Lady Popular Fashion Arena (LPFA) and a member of Stilettos & Lace Club, for at least 3 months. You must have knowledge of LPFA game play as well as knowledge of Stilettos & Lace Club Rules & Requirements. You must be active for 4 days (at least) every week and participate in ALL required club activities as well as participate in 75% of ALL non-required club activities You must be comfortable conversing with the Club President and fellow Vice Presidents and be prepared to give feedback, if/when necessary, send messages, and give recommendations, if/when necessary. Each Vice President will be given a specific job/responsibility that must not at anytime be any problem for each Vice President to perform.

~Stilettos & Lace Club Guide Criteria~

1) Must be active.

2) Must be at least level 15.

3) Must be a member of S & L Club.

4) Must log in at least 5 days weekly.

5) Must be knowledgeable of club (all areas).

6) Must participate in all club activities.

7) Must donate.

8) Must keep up apartment appearances.

9) Must participate in LPFA activities (engagement parties, contests, boyfriends, etc.).

10) Must have some knowledge of LPFA.

11) Must have skills of 50+, with continuing improvement.

12) Must be at least 16 years old (exceptions may be made if member meets 6 or more criteria requirements).


*Any, all, and each member wishing to become a Club Guide must meet at least 5 of the 12 criteria requirements.

~Vice Presidents, Jobs, & Responsibilities~

~: Monitor all member absences, send out warning messages to those with absences of one week or longer (may allow two weeks), report to President when needed with recommendations if needed.

~ xristina m: Challenge clubs to Club Fights/Challenges, monitor participants of challenges. Send warning messages to non- and/or low-participants of each Club Fight/Challenge, report to President when needed with recommendations if needed.

~ TeddyK: In charge of donations. Making sure members are donating 10 emeralds weekly. As well as posting the weekly donation contest. Send warning messages to those that are not donating, reporting to President when needed with recommendations if needed.

~ RoseFlower45: Monitor member skills, encourage improvement, send warning messages to those that are not leveling up in skills, report to President when needed with recommendations if needed.

~Ms. V: In charge of the club cash box and leveling up club skills


*ALL Vice President warning messages are to be taken seriously by all involved parties, (as if sent by President) and termination recommendations are carefully considered unless there are arrangements and/or agreements in place with and/or following certain circumstances. 

~Guides, Jobs, & Responsibilities~

~Head Guide: 

All guides have to be active and log in at least 5 days a week minimum. Guides are knowledgeable about any, all, and upcoming club activities (Fashion Shows, Club Fights/Challenges, Retreats, etc.), rules, requirements, contests, members, website, passwords, etc., this is subject to change at anytime. 

A Guide's jobs and responsibilities include but are not limited to, welcoming all new members of each Guide's assigned levels (areas), with an individualized personal/private message (chat messages are not allowed for this). Send a chat or personal/private message to the President to notify of the new member. Each individualized message should include a warm greeting/welcome to the member, name of President, and names of all Vice Presidents, introduction to the club website (what can be found at the club website, such as, rules, requirements, etc.), how to access by clicking the link to the website at the clubhouse ('your gate to S & L'), information about the members only page with the password, information about the club's cash box and donations (including contests), member skills (checked weekly), information of Members & Birthday page, ask for new member's birth date (month, day, year) and report birth date to President. Each Guide should keep a Club notebook and/or binder to log any and all club and/or assigned member's information. If club is recruiting new members, Guides are to assist with scouting and reporting to President and/or Vice Presidents. Guides are to assist in any extra duties if required and/or requested by President and/or Vice Presidents. All Guides will be assigned a specific set of levels of which the members will be monitored. Any member wishing to be a Guide will have to meet certain criteria. There will be one assigned Head Guide. All Guides will report to the Head Guide unless a Vice President or the President is required.

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