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From The Editor

                                                  A word from Laceyjane, creator of Stilettos & Lace Club and magazine, and editor-in-chief. 

                                                                                         A New Normal *COVID-19


​When the year 2020 was rang in at midnight on January 1st, not one person was thinking what awful thing was going to tear into the human population in just a mere few months, and it being a world-wide pandemic. No, people had thoughts of the new year bringing new beginnings, a fresh start, a new addition to their family, etc. I know that, for me, my husband and I were having thoughts of our newest son being born in just a couple of weeks after the turn of the year 2020, needless to say, we were not thinking about having to stock up on supplies because we were going to be going into self-quarantine with our family in just a couple of months. But this is indeed what has happened and what has become not just mine and my family's new normal, but this has become every human being's across the globe's new normal. And we have a new disease, a coronavirus called COVID-19 to thank for the world-wide new normal. At the current moment of this writing, most establishments such as, diners, bars, and many more entertainment based businesses have been placed on a mandatory shut-down. Schools all across the United States and in many other countries are also closed due to mandatory orders by the government. We are experiencing a world-wide pandemic that first began in Wuhan City, China. The world population does not know how long this is going to last and not one person knows what is going to happen from one day to the next, and this is the new normal. I pray everyday that this coronavirus does not last much longer and that people can get back to their lives and our new normal can go back to as close to the old normal as possible. But for the foreseeable future, everyday is unknown.




Close Up of Pink Roses

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